Source code for eli5.formatters.html

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from itertools import groupby
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

from eli5 import _graphviz
from eli5.base import (Explanation, TargetExplanation, FeatureWeights,
from eli5.utils import max_or_0
from .utils import (
    format_signed, format_value, format_weight, has_any_values_for_weights,
    replace_spaces, should_highlight_spaces)
from . import fields
from .features import FormattedFeatureName
from .trees import tree2text
from .text_helpers import prepare_weighted_spans, PreparedWeightedSpans

template_env = Environment(
    loader=PackageLoader('eli5', 'templates'),
template_env.globals.update(dict(zip=zip, numpy=np))
    weight_color=lambda w, w_range: format_hsl(weight_color_hsl(w, w_range)),
    remaining_weight_color=lambda ws, w_range, pos_neg:
        format_hsl(remaining_weight_color_hsl(ws, w_range, pos_neg)),
    format_feature=lambda f, w, hl: _format_feature(f, w, hl_spaces=hl),
    format_decision_tree=lambda tree: _format_decision_tree(tree),

[docs]def format_as_html(explanation, # type: Explanation include_styles=True, # type: bool force_weights=True, # type: bool show=fields.ALL, preserve_density=None, # type: Optional[bool] highlight_spaces=None, # type: Optional[bool] horizontal_layout=True, # type: bool show_feature_values=False # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> str """ Format explanation as html. Most styles are inline, but some are included separately in <style> tag, you can omit them by passing ``include_styles=False`` and call ``format_html_styles`` to render them separately (or just omit them). With ``force_weights=False``, weights will not be displayed in a table for predictions where it is possible to show feature weights highlighted in the document. If ``highlight_spaces`` is None (default), spaces will be highlighted in feature names only if there are any spaces at the start or at the end of the feature. Setting it to True forces space highlighting, and setting it to False turns it off. If ``horizontal_layout`` is True (default), multiclass classifier weights are laid out horizontally. If ``show_feature_values`` is True, feature values are shown if present. Default is False. """ template = template_env.get_template('explain.html') if highlight_spaces is None: highlight_spaces = should_highlight_spaces(explanation) targets = explanation.targets or [] if len(targets) == 1: horizontal_layout = False explaining_prediction = has_any_values_for_weights(explanation) show_feature_values = show_feature_values and explaining_prediction rendered_weighted_spans = render_targets_weighted_spans( targets, preserve_density) weighted_spans_others = [ t.weighted_spans.other if t.weighted_spans else None for t in targets] return template.render( include_styles=include_styles, force_weights=force_weights, target_table_styles= 'border-collapse: collapse; border: none; margin-top: 0em; table-layout: auto;', tr_styles='border: none;', # Weight (th and td) td1_styles='padding: 0 1em 0 0.5em; text-align: right; border: none;', # N more positive/negative tdm_styles='padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em; text-align: center; border: none; ' 'white-space: nowrap;', # Feature (th and td) td2_styles='padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em; text-align: left; border: none;', # Value (th and td) td3_styles='padding: 0 0.5em 0 1em; text-align: right; border: none;', horizontal_layout_table_styles= 'border-collapse: collapse; border: none; margin-bottom: 1.5em;', horizontal_layout_td_styles= 'padding: 0px; border: 1px solid black; vertical-align: top;', horizontal_layout_header_styles= 'padding: 0.5em; border: 1px solid black; text-align: center;', show=show, expl=explanation, hl_spaces=highlight_spaces, horizontal_layout=horizontal_layout, any_weighted_spans=any(t.weighted_spans for t in targets), feat_imp_weight_range=max_or_0( abs(fw.weight) for fw in explanation.feature_importances.importances) if explanation.feature_importances else 0, target_weight_range=max_or_0( get_weight_range(t.feature_weights) for t in targets if t.feature_weights is not None), other_weight_range=max_or_0( get_weight_range(other) for other in weighted_spans_others if other), targets_with_weighted_spans=list( zip(targets, rendered_weighted_spans, weighted_spans_others)), show_feature_values=show_feature_values, weights_table_span=3 if show_feature_values else 2, explaining_prediction=explaining_prediction, weight_help=html_escape(WEIGHT_HELP), contribution_help=html_escape(CONTRIBUTION_HELP), )
WEIGHT_HELP = '''\ Feature weights. Note that weights do not account for feature value scales, so if feature values have different scales, features with highest weights might not be the most important.\ '''.replace('\n', ' ') CONTRIBUTION_HELP = '''\ Feature contribution already accounts for the feature value (for linear models, contribution = weight * feature value), and the sum of feature contributions is equal to the score or, for some classifiers, to the probability. Feature values are shown if "show_feature_values" is True.\ '''.replace('\n', ' ')
[docs]def format_html_styles(): # type: () -> str """ Format just the styles, use with ``format_as_html(explanation, include_styles=False)``. """ return template_env.get_template('styles.html').render()
[docs]def render_targets_weighted_spans( targets, # type: List[TargetExplanation] preserve_density, # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> List[Optional[str]] """ Return a list of rendered weighted spans for targets. Function must accept a list in order to select consistent weight ranges across all targets. """ prepared_weighted_spans = prepare_weighted_spans( targets, preserve_density) def _fmt_pws(pws): # type: (PreparedWeightedSpans) -> str name = ('<b>{}:</b> '.format(pws.doc_weighted_spans.vec_name) if pws.doc_weighted_spans.vec_name else '') return '{}{}'.format(name, render_weighted_spans(pws)) def _fmt_pws_list(pws_lst): # type: (List[PreparedWeightedSpans]) -> str return '<br/>'.join(_fmt_pws(pws) for pws in pws_lst) return [_fmt_pws_list(pws_lst) if pws_lst else None for pws_lst in prepared_weighted_spans]
def render_weighted_spans(pws): # type: (PreparedWeightedSpans) -> str # TODO - for longer documents, an option to remove text # without active features return ''.join( _colorize(''.join(t for t, _ in tokens_weights), weight, pws.weight_range) for weight, tokens_weights in groupby( zip(pws.doc_weighted_spans.document, pws.char_weights), key=lambda x: x[1])) def _colorize(token, # type: str weight, # type: float weight_range, # type: float ): # type: (...) -> str """ Return token wrapped in a span with some styles (calculated from weight and weight_range) applied. """ token = html_escape(token) if np.isclose(weight, 0.): return ( '<span ' 'style="opacity: {opacity}"' '>{token}</span>'.format( opacity=_weight_opacity(weight, weight_range), token=token) ) else: return ( '<span ' 'style="background-color: {color}; opacity: {opacity}" ' 'title="{weight:.3f}"' '>{token}</span>'.format( color=format_hsl( weight_color_hsl(weight, weight_range, min_lightness=0.6)), opacity=_weight_opacity(weight, weight_range), weight=weight, token=token) ) def _weight_opacity(weight, weight_range): # type: (float, float) -> str """ Return opacity value for given weight as a string. """ min_opacity = 0.8 if np.isclose(weight, 0) and np.isclose(weight_range, 0): rel_weight = 0.0 else: rel_weight = abs(weight) / weight_range return '{:.2f}'.format(min_opacity + (1 - min_opacity) * rel_weight) _HSL_COLOR = Tuple[float, float, float]
[docs]def weight_color_hsl(weight, weight_range, min_lightness=0.8): # type: (float, float, float) -> _HSL_COLOR """ Return HSL color components for given weight, where the max absolute weight is given by weight_range. """ hue = _hue(weight) saturation = 1 rel_weight = (abs(weight) / weight_range) ** 0.7 lightness = 1.0 - (1 - min_lightness) * rel_weight return hue, saturation, lightness
[docs]def format_hsl(hsl_color): # type: (_HSL_COLOR) -> str """ Format hsl color as css color string. """ hue, saturation, lightness = hsl_color return 'hsl({}, {:.2%}, {:.2%})'.format(hue, saturation, lightness)
def _hue(weight): # type: (float) -> float return 120 if weight > 0 else 0
[docs]def get_weight_range(weights): # type: (FeatureWeights) -> float """ Max absolute feature for pos and neg weights. """ return max_or_0(abs(fw.weight) for lst in [weights.pos, weights.neg] for fw in lst or [])
[docs]def remaining_weight_color_hsl( ws, # type: List[FeatureWeight] weight_range, # type: float pos_neg, # type: str ): # type: (...) -> _HSL_COLOR """ Color for "remaining" row. Handles a number of edge cases: if there are no weights in ws or weight_range is zero, assume the worst (most intensive positive or negative color). """ sign = {'pos': 1.0, 'neg': -1.0}[pos_neg] if not ws and not weight_range: weight = sign weight_range = 1.0 elif not ws: weight = sign * weight_range else: weight = min((fw.weight for fw in ws), key=abs) return weight_color_hsl(weight, weight_range)
def _format_unhashed_feature(feature, weight, hl_spaces): # type: (...) -> str """ Format unhashed feature: show first (most probable) candidate, display other candidates in title attribute. """ if not feature: return '' else: first, rest = feature[0], feature[1:] html = format_signed( first, lambda x: _format_single_feature(x, weight, hl_spaces)) if rest: html += ' <span title="{}">&hellip;</span>'.format( '\n'.join(html_escape(format_signed(f)) for f in rest)) return html def _format_feature(feature, weight, hl_spaces): # type: (...) -> str """ Format any feature. """ if isinstance(feature, FormattedFeatureName): return feature.format() elif (isinstance(feature, list) and all('name' in x and 'sign' in x for x in feature)): return _format_unhashed_feature(feature, weight, hl_spaces=hl_spaces) else: return _format_single_feature(feature, weight, hl_spaces=hl_spaces) def _format_single_feature(feature, weight, hl_spaces): # type: (str, float, bool) -> str feature = html_escape(feature) if not hl_spaces: return feature def replacer(n_spaces, side): # type: (int, str) -> str m = '0.1em' margins = {'left': (m, 0), 'right': (0, m), 'center': (m, m)}[side] style = '; '.join([ 'background-color: hsl({}, 80%, 70%)'.format(_hue(weight)), 'margin: 0 {} 0 {}'.format(*margins), ]) return '<span style="{style}" title="{title}">{spaces}</span>'.format( style=style, title='A space symbol' if n_spaces == 1 else '{} space symbols'.format(n_spaces), spaces='&emsp;' * n_spaces) return replace_spaces(feature, replacer) def _format_decision_tree(treedict): # type: (...) -> str if treedict.graphviz and _graphviz.is_supported(): return _graphviz.dot2svg(treedict.graphviz) else: return tree2text(treedict) def html_escape(text): # type: (str) -> str try: from html import escape except ImportError: from cgi import escape # type: ignore return escape(text, quote=True)